It's the biggest Climate Conference yet.COP26 is happening nine days from when I'm writing it. This is the 26th meeting and all of the UN members are attending. The Event is happening in Glasgow, Scotland
COP26 aims to secure global carbon net-zero and keep 1.5 degrees as the aveerage temperature on earth. They will do this by removing any coal,reduce deforestation,get more electric vehicles sold and encourage spending for renewables .Another thing COP are trying to do, is protect the natural habitats which are in danger or still well by restoring the broken ecosystems and build more infrastructure to protect people from the disasters happening around the world.They want countries to invest more in climate-related finance and the total they want countries to at least pay is $100 billion dollars which means superpowers such as the US and China should be expected to pay more than the average.And most importantly,Countries need to work together to make this world a better place.
The Date of the Conference is from the 31st October to 12 November in 2021.The UK are trying to make the event as eco-friendly as possible by using different forms of transport, Avoiding lots of waste and using low carbon energy sources.
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